Pool Plaster Repair Services

Pool Plaster Repair Services - Swimming Pool Replastering

If you have a swimming pool, then you know that it needs regular maintenance in order to look and function its best. One of the most important aspects of pool maintenance is repairing any damage to the plaster coating. Pool plaster repair services can fix cracks and chips in the plaster, as well as other damages. By repairing your pool's plaster, you can help to extend its life and keep it looking beautiful.

Replastering is the process of adding a new layer of mortar over the entire interior surface of a concrete swimming pools that already has an existing layer of plaster. This is a maintenance item, and one of the more expensive and common ones that you will need to do if you own a concrete swimming pool.

On average every five to ten years you will need to replaster your swimming pool. Some pools can go up to twice this long between plasters with a high-quality plaster installation along with sustained, impeccable water chemistry and maintenance. The age itself is not what dictates when you need a new plaster job, but instead, the roughness of the finish is how you tell when it is time to replaster.

Pool Plaster (1)

Pool Plaster Basics

The basic concrete pool plaster recipe is a 1:2 ratio of white Portland cement mixed with some sort of silicates, such as ground limestone, quartz sand, or marble dust.

How Do You Know When to Replaster Your Pool?

Over time, your pool will go through natural wear and tear or crack which often leaves behind simple things that need to be fixed.

How long does pool plaster last?

Plaster is long-lasting.

How often do you need to replaster a Pool?

The short answer for this is every 10 years.

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