Pool Maintenance Service

Your swimming pool is a substantial investment that can provide many years of enjoyment to you and your family.  Proper swimming pool maintenance is important so ensure the integrity of your pool plaster, prevent staining, prolong the life of your pool equipment and keep your pool water safe for your family and friends.  If you’re maintaining your pool yourself, you know how much work it is.  Let Elite Pool Service take the work out of your pool maintenance so you can enjoy your swimming pool.

Elite Pool Service offers seasonal and year-round pool maintenance and vacation plans to suit your needs.  We provide you with a weekly maintenance report with the services performed, chemicals added, pictures of your pool, as well as if our team finds any issues that need to be addressed.

Pool Maintenance (1)

Weekly Swimming Pool Maintenance

Our team comes prepared with the equipment and supplies needed for pool maintenance; you no longer have to store pool chemicals.  From cleaning your pool to checking the filtration and balancing chemicals, we will make sure your swimming pool is in great shape.  Satisfaction is our priority; we want your swimming pool to be a place of enjoyment, not work!  Elite Pool Service™ will service your pool so you can enjoy it without having to find time for pool maintenance!  

Pool Maintenance Service

  • Chemicals Treated and Balanced
  • Empty all Skimmer, Pump and Cleaner Baskets
  • Skim Debris from Water Surface 
  • Backwash Filter Systems
  • Brush/Clean Pool Tile
  • Test and Balance Chemicals 
  • Vacuum as Needed

Contact Us For A Weekly Service Quote

Elite Pool Service monthly rates vary and depend on the size of the pool, whether the pool has a spa, whether there are trees and shrubs nearby, and other additional features that a pool might have.  

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